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Experiences Are Priceless


I have been working on a project for a while now called Letters from Dad. In it, I have been writing about some of the life lessons learned along the way. I wanted to share one with you as we approach summer, which is traditionally a time for vacations and family time. If you are like me, the demands are forever on you at work and it seems impossible to eke out time for family and friends, for relaxing and recharging, and just plain getting away.

One of the things I have noticed is how much I chase after material things. I love electronic toys, cars, watches, and all the other things that we all like and enjoy, but have you ever noticed how quickly the novelty and “new car” smell fades? I get a new “thing” that I could not live without, only to get bored with it and forget about it. As I have gotten older, I have decided that experiences are better. Experiences with the people who are near and dear to you. With my parents both gone now I find myself remembering the times at the beach, the laughter around the table, the meals shared, the conversations we had…those experiences are what I treasure. The material stuff wore out and faded away, but I feel much more enriched and fulfilled as I remember the experiences we shared together.

During this summer time, consider what experiences you are creating with the ones who are near and dear to you. These experiences will give way to the fond memories they will have for years to come. Time spent with the people you love is way more special than stuff.



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