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Updated: Oct 4, 2023

In Trinidad growing up we have a tradition each Easter of making an effigy of Judas and hanging him. I know, what a sick culture right?! For many of us we are upset with Judas because he was one of the villains, he was the betrayer.

Here was Judas, he had been one of the 12 apostles, so he had direct access to Jesus. He was close to God; how much closer can you get?

But you see there is one of the problems right there…don’t mistake proximity to God to be proper relationship with God.

Judas misunderstood what real relationship with God was all about. He thought hanging out around God, doing stuff for God, and hanging with people who had relationship with God was all that was necessary.

Now before you think that Judas should be smarter than that, take a quick self-check, because the truth is that many of us find ourselves in the same position.

We think that hanging out near God is good enough.

We think that serving in church is the same as relationship with God. We think that having a couple people in the family who love and believe in God is all that is necessary.

Don’t mistake proximity for relationship.

Proximity to Jesus means nothing, relationship with Him is everything.

Judas had the greatest opportunity to have a close relationship with Jesus, but he chose to settle for being near Jesus. So many of us do that, we choose to be near Jesus and never go all the way of truly opening up our hearts to Him and taking advantage of having a personal and intimate relationship with Him.

But while Judas is remembered as the betrayer he is also the betrayed. How?

He was betrayed by the church – the established religion of that day. They used him for what they could get out of him and then turned their backs on him in his hour of emotional need. In his moment of remorse and brokenness - they abandoned him. They wrote him off as a reject.

I’ve got to tell you I hate religion.

I look at the media’s portrayal of church today and it is horrible how they are portrayed, but maybe there is truth in it.

Religion is not God’s way, relationship is. God is not interested in you following a bunch of rules and regulations that are sometimes more man-made than God-breathed. God cares more to have relationship with you. AND when you have a relationship with God then you want to do what pleases Him.

Judas spurned relationship and went with religion and got burned. How many of us find ourselves in the same predicament? We confuse religion with relationship, and we get damaged, discouraged and disenchanted and then we reject God.

Here’s what Jesus even says about the whole thing…

· Matthew 11:28 (TMNT) “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Jesus wants you not for what you can give but for what He can give to you. Rest, acceptance and real relationship with someone who will never let you down.

The voice of Judas cries out, there is no hope, I have betrayed God and been betrayed by people who call themselves followers of God so I must end it all.

The voice of God invites, "Come, experience relationship, rest and real life!"

He Is Risen!!!


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