God is the ultimate techie. He invented GPS. God provides a travel guide for all who are looking to find Him, that’s what He did for the Wise Men. He had a star lead them from the East to Bethlehem – to the exact location where Joseph, Mary, and the Baby were.
FYI…you know why they were considered Wise Men? They followed the directions.
This Christmas look at the star from that perspective, that God has always provided travel guides to those who earnestly seek Him.
Hebrews 11:6 NLT So, you see, it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that there is a God and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.
1 Chronicles 28:9 NIV If you seek him, he will be found by you;
God provides travel guides through many different ways, some subtle and others quite blatant. (I am only mentioning two here for the sake of brevity, but the best travel guide is His Word).
He provides travel guides through…
Romans 1:20 NIV For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
What we tend to do is worship the signpost rather than what the signpost points to.
God provides travel guides through people.
Many of us who are Christians can look back to a time when we were getting interested in spiritual realities and how someone came up alongside us and helped us through the confusion and disorientation. Parents, friends, a neighbor, a teacher, a pastor.
Can you think of three people who have helped shape you as a Christian? Those people were the stars, God-sent travel guides to help lead us to Him.
Please be careful not to worship the signpost.
The wise men showed their wisdom by following the star. They didn’t dismiss it as an anomaly. They didn’t say, ‘O that star is just in the dying stages, so it is burning a little brighter.” No, they were men of faith and wisdom. They followed God’s guide and discovered Jesus, and when they had found the child, they fell down and worshipped.
The star will lead you to God, but the choice is yours to worship.
Spend some time outside today. Go for a walk in the park or along a trail. Spend time out in the cold and snow or intense heat if you live in SOCAL like I do. Take time to listen to the sounds of God’s creation. Take time to appreciate that this is His world that He created for our enjoyment. Let nature point you to the Creator and take a moment to worship Him.
Who has God used in your life to be a star – someone who pointed you to God? Would you take a moment to write them a note, text, email, or card and send it to them? Thank them for shining bright in your life.
AND how can you become a star in the lives of the people around you? What are some things you can do that help people discover Jesus?